Wholehearted Living


Wholehearted Living

Dare to Live the Life God Wants for You
Coincides with Brene Brown’s Daring Greatly. 

SEPTEMBER 12  - We Are Enough - Church Picnic Sunday
READ ALONG - pp. 1-30 (Preface, Introduction and Chapter 1)
BOOK STUDY - pp. 289-291
Psalm 4:6-8 MSG, Romans 12:1-2 MSG
We start our days thinking, “I didn’t get enough sleep.” But no matter what we have or don’t have, we have enough in God. 

SEPTEMBER 19  - LIZA PREACH - Vulnerability
READ ALONG - pp. 32-43 (Myth 1 in Chapter 2)
- Numbers 14:20-24  (New Revised Standard Version)
- 2 Corinthians 12: 5, 9-10 NRSV (New Revised Standard Version) 
BOOK STUDY - p. 292, stopping after the question: Does it make sense to you that “vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage”?

SEPTEMBER 26 - Dealing with Being Vulnerable
READ ALONG - pp. 43-56 (Myths 2,3 and 4 in Chapter 2)
BOOK STUDY - p. 292 starting with: “When we operate from the belief…” through the end of Chapter 2 at the top of p. 294
Deut 32:8-11, The Living Bible, Matthew 10:11-14, The Message Bible
Life is Vulnerable (Myths 2 and 4) 
We have to set boundaries with our vulnerability (Myth 3) 
Who do we trust with our vulnerability? (The Marble Jar, pp 47-49) 

READ ALONG - pp. 58-91 (in Chapter 3)
BOOK STUDY - pp. 294-295 stopping after: “Where is it easiest? Why do you think  it’s harder or easier in these circumstances?”
Psalm 119:103-105 CEV, Jeremiah 46:1-2a,11-12, NCV
 The gremlins are our “shame-tapes” we play over and over. They must be replaced with wisdom and truth. They must be exposed to the light of Christ.

OCTOBER 10 - Stewardship Moment with Bill Kitson - 3rd Grade Bibles  Gender and Shame 
Jeremiah 1:4-8 CEB
Galatians 3:23-29 NRSV
pp 104-111 - LIZA PREACH

OCTOBER 17  - Stewardship Moment (focus on spiritual importance of giving) - Gratitude
READ ALONG - pp.112-127 (in Chapter 4)
BOOK STUDY - pp. 296-298 stopping after the quote:
“I’ve never heard one person attribute their joy, success or Wholeheartedness…” 
Psalm 50:7-9,14-15, CEV, Colossians 2:6-8 CEV
We’d rather live in disappointment than feel our joy b/c we think it will be easier to deal w/ the pain when and if it goes away. But the antidote to foreboding joy is gratitude. 

OCTOBER 24 - Stewardship Moment (focus is it is an honor to give) - Appreciating Beauty
READ ALONG - pp. 128-137 (in Chapter 4)
BOOK STUDY - p. 298 from “Where do you  think you are on the perfection continuum…” through “…What scares you the most about putting down the shield?
 Ps 16:5-11, The Voice, A Narrative of Exodus 3-4, CEV
The shield is perfectionism and the antidote is appreciating beauty. We are not perfect, but we are enough. We are limited, but God is not! 

OCTOBER 31 - Commitment Sunday - True Comfort
READ ALONG - pp. 137-151 (in Chapter 4)
BOOK STUDY - p. 298 starting with the quote, “And numbing vulnerability is especially debilitating…” through p. 299 ending with, “What are two ways that you feed your spirit? How do you know that you need more care? How do you know you are full?”
Proverbs 3:5-10, NCV, Mark 6:45-52 MSG
We numb when things are unbearable, when the storms of life come. The antidote to numbing is true comfort. Christ is our comfort.

NOVEMBER 7 - All Saints Day - Real Success
READ ALONG - pp. 151-171 (in Chapter 4)
BOOK STUDY - p. 299-300 starting with the quote: “When we lead, teach, or preach from a gospel of Vicking or Victim, win or lose, we crush faith, innovation,  creativity, and adaptability to change.” 
 Psalm 34:8-10, The Voice and Romans 8:35-39, The Voice

NOVEMBER 14 - Minding the Gap
(Chapter 5) - LIZA PREACHING

NOVEMBER 21- Daring Greatly
(pp. 1-4 and Chapter 6)
Deut 6:4-7 NCV, Jonah 1-3 nar. NCV
Jonah didn’t dare greatly, he ran the other way. Do we? Jesus didn’t run. Jesus dared to lead. He dared to lead by love. He spoke up. He uncovered the cover-ups. He dared to re-humanize the world.

Week 1: September 12, 2021
Sermon: " We Are Enough, " Rev. Michele Kaminsky

Sound Bite

Week 2: September 19, 2021
Sermon: " The Myth of Vulnerability, " Rev. Liza Stoltz Hanson


Week 3: September 26, 2021
Sermon: " Dealing with Being Vulnerable, " Rev. Michele Kaminisky

Sound Bite

Week 4: October 3, 2021
Sermon: " Don't Play the Shame Game, " Rev. Michele Kaminisky

Sound Bite

Week 5: October 10, 2021
Sermon: " Gender and Shame: Becoming Real, " Rev. Liza Stoltz Hanson & Denton Hanson


Week 6: October 17, 2021
Sermon: " Joy in Gratitude, " Rev. Michele Kaminsky

Sound Bite

Week 7: October 24, 2021
Sermon: " Appreciating Beauty, " Rev. Michele Kaminsky

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Week 8: October 31, 2021
Sermon: " True Comfort, " Rev. Michele Kaminsky

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Week 9: November 7, 2021
Sermon: " Redefining Success, " Rev. Michele Kaminsky

Sound Bite

Week 10: November 14, 2021
Sermon: " Minding the Gap, " Rev. Liza Stoltz Hanson


Week 11: November 21, 2021
Sermon: " Dare to Live the Life God Wants for You, " Rev. Michele Kaminsky

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